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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Antiulcer Study of Capparis zeylanica Extract on Gastric Secretions and Phenylbutazone Induced Chronic Ulceration in Experimental Animals
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2017, Volume: 16, Issue: 2, Pages: 126-133

Original Article

Antiulcer Study of Capparis zeylanica Extract on Gastric Secretions and Phenylbutazone Induced Chronic Ulceration in Experimental Animals


Purpose: The objective of the study was to investigate the possible effects of 50% ethanolic extract of Capparis zeylanica (CZE) on gastric secretion and Phenylbutazone ulcer in rats. Approach: Twenty four adult male rats were used in this study (four groups) and several parameters were determined to assess any degree of protection. The ulceration was induced by Phenylbutazone at a dose of 100 mg/kg b.w.Findings: Phenylbutazone toxicity induced + CZE treated rats showed a significant decrease (p > 0.001) in volume of gastric juice, free and total acidity, pepsin concentration and acid output with a significant increase (p > 0.001) in pH compared to Phenylbutazone toxicity induced rats. Phenylbutazone caused a significant decrease (p > 0.001) in TC:P with a concomitant increase (p > 0.001) in protein and DNA. After treatment of CZE in rats, a significant increase (p > 0.001) in the carbohydrate concentration in terms of TC:P ratio and significantly lowered (p > 0.001) protein concentration in gastric juice was observed. CZE tended to increase mucin activity in Phenylbutazone + CZE group.Conclusion: It can be concluded that CZE imparted a protective action against phenylbutazone induced chronic ulcer in rats.


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