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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Expiratory Time an Indicator of Pulmonary Efficiency in Obese-A Case Control Study
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  • PDF 382

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2011, Volume: 10, Issue: 3, Pages: 94-96

Original Article

Expiratory Time an Indicator of Pulmonary Efficiency in Obese-A Case Control Study


Obesity is a global health hazard and has been linked to numerous disorders such as dyslipidemia, type II diabetes, cardio vascular diseases and derangement of pulmonary functions. The mechanism for negative association of obesity with pulmonary functions is still debated. We assessed the association of Forced vital capacity and maximal voluntary ventilation parameters and body mass index by using a case control study. These parameters measured between obese and non obese groups were statistically analysed using student 't' test. Changes in expiratory time was statistically extremely significant ('p' <0.001) whereas forced vital capacity and maximal voluntary ventilation parameters were not statistically significant (>0.05).


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