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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


An Overview on Anxiety:Etiology and Therapy
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2017, Volume: 16, Issue: 1, Pages: 32-37

Original Article

An Overview on Anxiety:Etiology and Therapy


Purpose: Anxiety disorders have turned out to be the most common mental health conditions prevailing all over the world. The symptoms of anxiety are very common in the community, not only affecting the younger generations but also the elderly. There have been a number of advances in the pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders in recent decades. Normal anxiety is a kind of emotion that mainly helps to face the threats and problems awaiting an individual. But when this emotion exceeds a certain limit, it causes harm to the same individual. Thus, this paper gives an overall review on what exactly anxiety is, how is it caused and the different treatment methods used so far for anxiety. Apart from this the future aspects has also been covered in this paper.Approaches: The data were collected from various sources like journal articles, textbooks, internet, related materials in library and databases such as pubmed, google scholar and so on.Findings: New developments are forthcoming in the field of alternative strategies for managing anxiety and for treatment-resistant cases.Conclusion: As a word, anxiety may seem very small to read but when it comes to a person's life it can be life threatening. There are varieties of conventional treatment methods available for anxiety and many promising therapies are yet to come.


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