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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Anti Leech Activity of Chitosan and Chitosan Chlorhydrate against Placobdella Emydae
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2017, Volume: 16, Issue: 1, Pages: 38-42

Original Article

Anti Leech Activity of Chitosan and Chitosan Chlorhydrate against Placobdella Emydae


Background: In different National Pharmacopeias drug for treating complications with leech are not registered.Methods: Antileech activity of Chitosan and Chitosan chlorhydrate (CCH) on Placobdella emydae was examined and compared with Albendazole and Mebendazole as control and distilled water as placebo in terms of mean paralyzing time and mean death time.Results: DSC displayed absence of endothermic peak and glass transition temperature; depicting amorphous nature of Chitosan and CCH. Both Chitosans showed dose dependent activity. Albendazole most effectively killed leeches after 32.5�3.62 min at 2% concentration while 2% Mebendazole took 46.5�3.64 min. Chitosan (2, 3 and 4%) and CCH (1%, 1.5% and 2%) showed 3+ antileech impacts. While Chitosan (5%) and CCH (2.5% + and 3%) showed 4 impact indicating antileech activity. 1% of Albendazole, Mebendazole and 3% CCH showed statistically similar results (p<0.001).Conclusion: High affinity to in-vivo macromolecules might be cause of antileech property possessed by Chitosan products. Both Chitosan forms were amorphous leading to easily enter in parasite body. Possible reason for better performance of CCH could be better transcuticular absorption into parasite.Future Research Implications: Chitosan and CCH can be checked for veterinary application as a de wormer in cattle, pigs and sheep.Socia�Implications: Being biodegradable, biocompatible, non toxic, physiologically inert and in amorphous form, CCH can be used as de worming product or as an effective supplement for medicinal products.Originality/Value of Paper: Being not having any effective drug, without side effect and cost benefits; CCH proves to be a solution.


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