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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


H1N1: Understanding the Enigma
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2010, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-4

Original Article

H1N1: Understanding the Enigma


Some months ago, Swine flu was spreading like wildfire affecting people from all walks of life. Swine flu, which was unheard before, is suspected to be the mutated virus of Avian, Classical Swine and Human influenza. Its virulence is very strong leading to respiratory failure and death. There were several hundred lives lost due to H1N1 infection recently. The H1N1 appeared as a blitz, which caught the public unaware and caused nightmare throughout the country. The Health care emergency was declared to effectively control and contain the spread of H1N1. The threat of emergence looms over our head in coming seasons of winter.


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