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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Mucoadhesive Polymers: A Review
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2018, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 47-55

Original Article

Mucoadhesive Polymers: A Review


Purpose: Aim of the study is to explore the concept of mucoadhesion, theories and the various polymers used in mucoadhesive drug delivery. Approach: An extensive review is carried out on mechanism of mucoadhesion, theories, polymers used in mucoadhesive dosage forms and its applications. Finding: Mucoadhesive polymers increases the residence time, prolongs the absorption, enhances solubility and dissolution characteristics of poorly soluble drugs. Conclusion: Mucoadhesive polymers was found to be a novel drug carrier used in buccal, nasal, vaginal, ocular, rectal drug delivery which improves bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs.


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