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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Development and Validation of HPTLC Method for the Estimation of Ondansetron Hydrochloride in Bulk Drug and Tablet Dosage Forms
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2013, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Pages: 61-65

Original Article

Development and Validation of HPTLC Method for the Estimation of Ondansetron Hydrochloride in Bulk Drug and Tablet Dosage Forms


A simple, selective, precise and sensitive high performance thin-layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method has been developed and validated for the analysis of ondansetron hydrochloride both in bulk drug and in tablet dosage forms. The separation was performed on pre-coated silica gel 60 GF254 plates using methanol:triethylamine:glacial acetic acid (9.5:0.5:0.1, v/v/v) as mobile phase. Densitometric analysis was performed in reflectance-absorbance mode at 309 nm. The linear regression analysis data for the calibration plot showed good linear relationship with R2 = 0.998 � 0.00047 in the range of 300-1100 ng spot-1. The minimum amount of ondansetron hydrochloride that could be detected and quantified was 54.60 and 165.46 ng spot-1 respectively. The mean retardation factor (Rf) for ondansetron hydrochloride was found to be 0.77 � 0.01. The developed method was validated according to International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines for specificity, linearity, range, accuracy, precision, detection limit, quantitation limit and robustness etc.


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