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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


The Community Pharmacist in Health Care at Scotland
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2009, Volume: 8, Issue: 4, Pages: 206-210

Original Article

The Community Pharmacist in Health Care at Scotland


The community pharmacy (CP) is an important link between the Doctor, Nurse and Patients. CP plays a vital role in ensuring the patient safety and efficacy in therapeutic set up. Unfortunately the CP is not developed in most of the developing countries like India. The CP is mainly represented by retail pharmacies, which are mainly focussed on sale or dispensing of medicines rather than acting as facilitators in therapy of patients. There is a need to learn how the CP was developed in UK, what are its roles and responsibilities in health care, so that such system can be adopted in India, which will ensure patient safety but also provide the much-required jobs for pharmacist.


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