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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Novel Modified Release Hydrogel Particles of Lovastatin-Development and Evaluation Studies
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2013, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Pages: 43-47

Original Article

Novel Modified Release Hydrogel Particles of Lovastatin-Development and Evaluation Studies


Novel Xanthan gum-soluplus-acrylamide based hydrogel particles using methylene bis acrylamide as cross linking agent and potassium persulfate as a reaction initiator were developed and further characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy for the surface morphology, Swelling studies, in vitro dissolution and stability studies. The surface morphology of the hydrogels exhibited a rough network like surface. Hydrogel particles exhibited pH dependant swelling. The in vitro dissolution studies performed for 12 hours showed that the release of the drug varied with the concentrations of Xanthan gum and acryl amide. Hydrogel particles formulations without soluplus showed a remarkable reduction in the drug release. Formulation F9 showed a release rate of 88.90%. Further the release rates were found to decrease with increase in the concentration of cross linking agent. The mathematical modeling followed zero order kinetics by fickian diffusion following super case-ll transport mechanism. The stability studies revealed that the hydrogel formulations prepared using Xanthan gum offers good stability to the drug. Hence the hydrogel formulation can be recommended as suitable modified release dosage forms using Xanthan gum and novel polymeric solubilizer soluplus for better industrial applications.


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