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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Protective Effect of Tamarindus Indica Fruit Pulp Extract on Expression of Type 1 Collagen in Teeth of Fluoride Exposed Rats
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2017, Volume: 16, Issue: 1, Pages: 68-71

Original Article

Protective Effect of Tamarindus Indica Fruit Pulp Extract on Expression of Type 1 Collagen in Teeth of Fluoride Exposed Rats


Purpose: The present study investigated the beneficial effect of Tamarindus indica fruit pulp extract on the expression of type 1 collagen gene in dentin of incisor teeth of fluoride exposed rats.Design/Methodology/Approach: Eighteen rats were randomly divided into three groups of six each. Group I served as control and received only tap water; group II received 200 ppm sodium fluoride in their drinking water and group III received fluorinated drinking water along with hydro-methanolic extract of T. indica fruit pulp (200 mg/kg body weight) daily by gavage for a period of 90 days. Dentin from incisor teeth was harvested at the end of the experiment for total RNA extraction.Findings: Fluoride exposed rats showed the down-regulation of expression of type 1 collagen (Col1a1) gene as compared to control. Co-administration of T. indica fruit pulp extract during exposure to fluoride through drinking water increases the expression of Col1a1 gene in dentin as compared to untreated fluoride exposed rats.Conclusion: It is concluded that daily oral administration T. indica fruit pulp extract had the protective effect on fluoride induced down regulation of type 1 collagen mRNA in dentin of incisor teeth of rats.


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