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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


An Experimental Study of Ethanolic Seed Extract of Vigna mungo Linn. for Nootropic Activity on Albino Rats
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2016, Volume: 15, Issue: 3, Pages: 91-95

Original Article

An Experimental Study of Ethanolic Seed Extract of Vigna mungo Linn. for Nootropic Activity on Albino Rats


Purpose: The present study was designed to evaluate the Nootropic potential of Ethanolic seed extracts of Vigna mungo.Linn.(ESVM).Design/methodology/approach: The objective of the present study was achieved using following methods such as Clonidine induced hypothermia and Haloperidol induced catalepsy. This study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the ethanolic seed extracts of Vigna mungo.Linn.(ESVM) as Nootropic drug.Findings: In Clonidine induced hypothermia model, ESVM show significantly increased rectal temperature in animals, showing antagonistic effect of extract. The extract also shows significantly decreased Lithium induced head twitching indicating anti seritonergic properties.Conclusion: The results concluded that Vigna mungo Linn plant has nootropic activity which is most useful for patients suffering from dementia.


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