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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Evaluation of Effectiveness of Mosquitoe-Treated Bed Nets among Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic in a Christian Hospital Innsukkaareaof Enugu, State Innigeria
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2009, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, Pages: 42-44

Original Article

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Mosquitoe-Treated Bed Nets among Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic in a Christian Hospital Innsukkaareaof Enugu, State Innigeria


Malaria is a public health problem in more than 90 countries inhabited by approximately 2400 million people, representing about 40% of the population of the world. Malaria has caused a lot health problem in the word, Africa taken the leads. It has defied many solutions especially drugs and other medical treatment. The obvious plan is to prevent the attack, as prevention is better than cure. Hence this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of pyrethroid insecticides treated mosquito bed nets in malaria prevention. A total of 2500 clients were studied. About 20 % of the study sample rejected the bed net, 65% accepted to use consistently while 15% agreed to use it occasionally. About 35% clients that suffered malaria were among the 500 clients that refused the bed nets. Out of the 70 % (1,635) of the population that used it consistently for a period of 8-12 months, only 1-2% suffered malaria. Many (35%) found the re-treatment very difficult, while some believed that, the bed net is not effective. The study shows that, the treated bed nets could prevent malaria when consistently used.


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