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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Health Assessment and Case Analysis of Diabetes in Rural Population of Thiruvallur District, Tamilnadu, India
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2015, Volume: 14, Issue: 3, Pages: 57-60

Original Article

Health Assessment and Case Analysis of Diabetes in Rural Population of Thiruvallur District, Tamilnadu, India


Purpose: WHO estimates that more than 346 million people worldwide have diabetes. Majority of the population today is not just trying to be economically successful but also aim to stay fit and free from dreaded chronic diseases. This investigation aims to evaluate the health conditions of people from remote areas who have less possibility of utilizing the urban health facilities of India. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted to clinically assess diabetes in rural population of Thiruvaliur district by using a predesigned and pretested protocol to find out the prevalence and the risk of diabetes mellitus in general population. The study mainly focuses on rural population so as to suggest possible treatment and remedial aspects. Various studies in the test used are based on simple anthropometric, demographic and behavioral factors to detect undiagnosed diabetes. The responses for the questions were collected, evaluated and statistically analyzed. Findings: Out of 250 subjects, only 5% showed symptoms of diabetes (first time diagnosis) and among them half were in the early stage of the disorder. Conclusion: This study reveals that diabetes awareness prevailed among selected individuals about the hygienic system and life style. It was found that people acquired maximum knowledge with better understanding of the disease, better impact on the progression of the disease and complications by patient counseling through verbal and pictograms.


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