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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2024, Volume: 23, Issue: 4, Pages: 189-198

Review Article

Thematic Analysis of the Implementation of Emerging Technologies and Digital Solutions in Health and Humanitarian Supply Chains


Background: Emerging technologies—such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, 3D printing, and blockchain—have the potential to significantly enhance the health and humanitarian supply chain [HHSC]. These technologies, already transforming broader industries, offer promising opportunities for optimizing operations in critical humanitarian and healthcare settings. Objective: This article explores the key levers that influence the adoption of emerging technologies within the HHSC and examines the broader implications for stakeholders. It aims to provide an understanding of how these technologies can be integrated to enhance supply chain performance and operations. Approach: A narrative review of the literature was conducted, drawing on a range of studies published between 2010 and 2020. The analysis employed a thematic approach, focusing on identifying key patterns and trends in the adoption of emerging technologies. Key themes related to technology adoption drivers, operational impacts, and stakeholder implications were synthesized and discussed in relation to the broader HHSC context. Key Findings: The thematic analysis revealed several important levers influencing the adoption of emerging technologies, including factors such as technological readiness, organizational capacity, and stakeholder collaboration. The findings highlight the importance of understanding these levers in combination, rather than in isolation, to effectively leverage technological innovations in HHSC. Conclusions: This article provides valuable insights for both practitioners and researchers. For organizations, it emphasizes the importance of focusing on integrated lever combinations to maximize the benefits of emerging technologies. For scholars, it offers a foundation for further research into the complex relationships between these factors and their implications for supply chain optimization. The findings contribute to a better understanding of how these technologies can be successfully adopted within the HHSC and lay the groundwork for future exploration in this area.

Keywords: Supply chain digital tools, Health, Humanitarian, Supply chains, Supply chain automation, Systematic review, Blockchain, Big data, Artificial intelligence, Digital health, Drones, Robotics


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