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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Effects of Anemia on Cognitive Function
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2017, Volume: 16, Issue: 2, Pages: 134-142

Original Article

Effects of Anemia on Cognitive Function


Purpose: To establish the relation between Anemia and cognitive function.Approach: Published articles from Pubmed and other Internet sources were used to establish the relation between anemia and cognition.Finding: There are various factors like RBC, hemoglobin and iron content which affects cognition indirectly. Whereas some factors such as defect in gene, directly affects the cognition.Conclusion: Anemia not only affects the physical health, but also affects the mental health like cognition. RBC, hemoglobin and iron contents affect the cognitive function while due to defect in gene, causes anemia, which also affects cognitive functions. Cognition of infant is also affected by maternal anemia.


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