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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


A Review on Self Emulsified Drug Delivery System: A Promising Approach for Drug Delivery of BCS Class II and IV Drugs
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2016, Volume: 15, Issue: 4, Pages: 181-188

Original Article

A Review on Self Emulsified Drug Delivery System: A Promising Approach for Drug Delivery of BCS Class II and IV Drugs


Purpose: The oral delivery of drugs having poor aqueous solubility presents a major challenge. Selfemulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS), which are isotropic mixtures of oils, surfactants, solvents and cosolvents/surfactants, can improve the oral absorption of highly lipophilic drug compounds. The current review summarizes the latest research in the field of SEDDS and we emphasize basically the type of excipients used by current researcher.Approaches: SEDDS can be orally administered in soft or hard gelatin capsules and form fine relatively stable oil- in- water (o/w) emulsions upon aqueous dilution owing to the gentle agitation of the gastrointestinal fluids.Findings: Lipophilic drug compounds exhibit dissolution rate-limited absorption, these systems may offer an improvement in the rate and extent of absorption and result in more reproducible plasma drug profiles.Conclusion: Almost 40% of the new drug compounds are hydrophobic in nature which draws attention towards SEDDS to improve the oral bioavailability of such drugs.


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