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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Stock Status Assessment of Health Commodities Used in the Management of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis in Kano State, Nigeria
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  • PDF 2274

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2015, Volume: 14, Issue: 2, Pages: 33-41

Original Article

Stock Status Assessment of Health Commodities Used in the Management of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis in Kano State, Nigeria


Purpose - The objective of this research is to assess stock of health commodities used in the management of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in Kano State, Nigeria. This assessment will reveal the sum of stock levels available at the state warehouse and health facilities, then determining for how long they can last. Approach - Data from Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) tools for the last quarter of year 2014 were obtained and information on 'stock on hand' and 'average monthly consumption' were extracted for analysis. Computer applications- MS Word and MS Excel were used generate charts depicting month of stock that are used to explain the results. Findings - Prior to the conduct of Quarterly Stock Status Report (QSSR), the best conclusion everyone could make is either a health facility is overstocked or is out of stock. But QSSR brings a clear state-wide picture of the status of all facilities put together which forms the comprehensive outlook of the entire state. Research limitations - The limitation of this research is availability of LMIS data on consumption and stock on hand of other health commodities similar to manner HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis are recorded regularly. Practical implications - If appropriate action is taken based on the results obtained, there will be leverage of health commodities across the entire length and breadth of the state. Originality -The research is the ?rst of its kind in Kano and is important not only in assessment of stock status and importance of actions taken from the result thereof but is also very signi?cant in forecasting and quanti?cation of health commodities.


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