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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


A Prospective Study on Prevalence of Drug Interactions in Prescriptions at a Teritarycarehospital
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  • PDF 249

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Year: 2015, Volume: 14, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 68-68

Original Article

A Prospective Study on Prevalence of Drug Interactions in Prescriptions at a Teritarycarehospital


Aim: To study the prevalence of drug interactions in prescriptions at a tertiary care teaching hospital. To assess and preventability of drug interactions. To analyze preventable events to develop prevention strategies.Methodology: Patients prescribed with at least one drug interaction containing prescription were monitored. In the pre-implementation study period, out of the 100 patients, 57-prescriptions were with drug interactions and 43 prescriptions were without drug interactions.The total number of drug combinations found to be interactive was 120 in which the severity of drug interactions were evaluated using micromedex database and the interacting drugs were classified based on the WHO First level ATC Code.Results: The major category of drugs causing drug interactions were found to be antibiotics 57% , cardiac drugs 45%, NSAID'S 33%, and antipsychotic drugs 23% the post-implementation study period, 25 prescriptions were screened. Out of which, only 9 prescriptions had interactions.Discussion: Five interventions were made, and there was a marked decrease in the number of drug interactions with appropriate interventions by the pharmacist. The present study by clinical pharmacist proved that drug interaction study among antibiotic class of drug is effective in identifying and reducing potentially serious adverse drug interactions among antibiotics and other drugs administered to patients.Conclusion: Thus the potential for interaction between antibiotics and other drugs needs to be borne in mind, especially with theincreasing trend towards polypharmacy.


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